Women Power, empowerement

The Modern Women’s Dilemma: To lead from heart or brain. 

Why the average modern woman cannot connect to their creativity to generate seamlessly. 

I’ve wondered about how we could connect with our creativity, our imagination, in a way that naturally leads us to produce value for the world. In any way we choose. 

I think that is where the problem lies: I’m always wondering. Maybe you are too. We focus all our energy, up in our brain but creativity and real genius don’t come from up there. We know it, as corny as it sounds, it comes from the heart and soul. For women, it might even be the energy of our wombs that centers us and connects us with a deeper wisdom—a wisdom that leads to a creative revolution in our lives.

In this modern day, we hear so many narratives and voices that lead us one way or another. As much as there is helpful advice online, the abundant noise makes it almost impossible for us to sit back, and actually feel, not just think. 

If you crave purpose and await the strike of inspiration that will lead to a lifetime of genius, I will say one thing: do it from a place of being, not doing.

I know it’s abstract, but it’s meant to be. No word or statement will ever affect us unless we feel and embody it. That’s our task. We hear, interpret and act according to how we perceive what we’ve been told. 

There’s a beautiful energy I’ve perceived in women more and more, and it is a beautiful combination of power and softness. We want to create absolute abundance to hold ourselves and our loved ones. We want to flow in a state of creativity and just being. I’ve been told many times, it’s not so much what you do but why you do it. So I’ve made a decision that I hope you will consider making in your own way.I will write, because I have something I want to speak and share. I will design a visual because I want to paint my words in a way a stranger’s eyes can understand. I will use my hands and my capable eyes to give life to my creativity in any physical form it’s meant to be expressed in. 

I’m at the very start of this journey too. And I invite you to join me, no matter how advanced in your journey you are. Let’s align any dream we have with our heart and soul. Choose to want to create as a result of being, and not of doing for the sake of being worthy. Let’s create a space where there is silence. Silence for that little voice in our being that wants to speak and needs the room to grow and become louder. 

It might start with a moment of silence in your mornings or evenings. Or in blocking time during your days to pour out in any form of your choice, drawing, writing, designing, or physically shaping something. The choice is yours. It always has and always will be. 

How beautiful we have the freedom to be exactly who we want to be. Let’s not forget that innate birthright, because it’s ours.

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